Sowing Trust, Cultivating Serenity

Retreat Registration

We are so excited to announce that you can now register for our 2024 Cascadia Church Retreat. All of the registration details and payment options can be found in the form below. There is both a PDF that can be printed and mailed or emailed. There's also a digital form to fill out.

Camp Payment Information

To Pay By Check:

Make the check out to “Light for Life New Church” and mail to: Cascadia New Church, c/o Nathan Howard, 205 Fort Casey Rd, Coupeville, WA, 92839, USA. 

To Pay Digitally (US Only):

We are using Zelle since it is free of charge. You will need to set up a free account with your bank. Please go to Search for your bank and follow the instructions to set up an account. Please send payments to “ and put in "Light for Life New Church" as the recipient. 

Questions About the Retreat?

If you have any questions, go to our Retreat FAQ page.

If you have any additional questions or would like to volunteer or teach a class, email Loisann at