
 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.”  

Matthew 18:20


Meeting twice a month for worship service, while highly beneficial for our spiritual growth, doesn't always sustain us. The Lord advised us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). Many of us seek a deeper connection with members of our community, so that we can share one another's burdens and learn from each other. With that in mind, we have formed discussion groups that meet twice a month and small groups focused on specific themes throughout the year.

Our Ten Commandments series has been ongoing since September 2024. Each month, we examine how to apply a different commandment to our lives. We then meet to discuss our experiences. After all, this is one way we grow.  You can find our schedule and links to our upcoming meetings in this series here. You can also find recordings of our past sermons related to this Ten Commandments series here.

Our latest small group series begins the week of March 23, 2025. Visit our small group page here to find out how to receive daily readings and join an online group.