Ten Commandments Series

Ten Commandments Series

This year we are trying something new. We will be holding a virtual worship service on one of the Ten Commandments. A monthly discussion group, children's program, and social hour will accompany those (see details below). 

Virtual Worship Services

Below is a schedule of the virtual worship services on the Ten Commandments. The services take place on the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:30am PT:


Monthly Discussion Group 

Starting in September, the monthly discussion group will meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:30am PT and run about an hour to an hour and a half long. This will be a facilitated discussion on that month's commandment. The meeting will start with a prayer and brief check-ins. Discussion prompts will be heavily based on the Rise Above It program. People might want to purchase the book (original book or revised college book) to get more readings and activities, but the book is NOT necessary to participate. Prior to the meeting, resources will be emailed out for people to watch, read, or listen to. People don't need to sign up ahead of time and can pop into whatever monthly meetings they want to. If we have a large attendance, we will split into breakout rooms.

Below is a schedule of the discussion groups:


Children's Program

Starting in September, the Children’s Program will follow the Ten Commandments as well this year. It will meet monthly by Zoom on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:30am PT and run for approximately 30 minutes. Emphasis will be on sustaining and enriching the social relationships amongst kids in the church as well as application of the commandments to their understanding and life experience. Teaching will be enriched by the use of art and craft projects, word puzzles, and other material that will be sent out to parents prior to each class. Contact us if you have any questions about the children's program.


Monthly Social Hour

Starting in September, the monthly virtual social hour be on the 4th Sunday of the month at 7pm PT. People will be encouraged to come with their own snacks and drinks. The main purpose for this social hour is to enjoy time together. There will be an opportunity for sharing reflections on the month's commandment. There may be some discussion prompts or other activities, however this will mostly be a time for casual conversation and connection.

Below is a schedule of the social hours: